Testimonials from Families


“Professional development that excites students and staff is extremely rare. Robin Russell’s visit was one of those special days when everyone benefited and left feeling rejuvenated and excited to keep writing.”

— Kelli Munro, Seattle Public Schools

“Dynamic, earnest, refreshing”

“Robin Russell is a dynamic, professional, and natural teacher.  I cannot express enough how much she singlehandedly influenced my teaching methods. I worked with Robin for several years as her instructional assistant, and what I learned from Robin, without her explicitly teaching me, was everything I ever needed to know about being an effective educator. Robin’s approach shattered what I knew about classroom management and academic instruction. Her earnestness and authenticity presented a refreshing break from the sterile, traditional, authoritative teacher/student relationship. Robin has a magnetism that students cannot and will not ignore. They want to do right by her, and give their best effort, as Robin always does right by them, and gives them the world.  What she has isn’t teachable in books, it must be experienced in real life, from the source. What I have gleaned from her has changed the way I teach, and the way I approach my students. The results have been nothing short of revolutionary. I am very lucky to have spent time working with Robin Russell. I would not be the teacher that I am today if not for her influence.”

— Josh Barokas, Seattle Public Schools

“Inspires us to infuse joy”

“Robin is the person who makes everyone laugh at 5pm in the afternoon - when you are sitting in a staff meeting an hour and a half after all the children went home, thinking about what your evening rush hour commute will be like! She's also a teacher who reaches out to collaborate with others, freely admits what she doesn't know but would like to learn, and inspires the rest of us to infuse more  joy into the daily practice of our vocation. She reminds us never to underestimate our students: they are even more capable than we may realize and by inspiring them and setting the bar high, we get to see them fly.”

— Laura Simeon, MA, MLIS, Open Window School

“Unprecedented verve, infectious gusto”

“Robin Russell has an unprecedented ability to inject verve and enthusiasm in even the most reticent students. When she helped launch a revision stage in my classroom, Robin immediately established easy rapport with students. Her ability to condense necessary revision needs into a short, easily remembered list was invaluable for my overwhelmed classes. During work time, my students eagerly selected revision topics to focus on and edited their stories with gusto. Robin's infectious love for learning invigorated students, inspiring work they had never thought possible.”

— Cat McCarrey, Renton Public Schools

“A delight. Lively and amusing.”

"It was a delight to have Robin Russell speak to our middle school students about her evolution as a writer. Being a teacher herself, she knows how to catch and hold student interest, and peppered them with the lively and amusing anecdotes.”

— Rebecca Moore, The Overlake School

“Clever and charming”

“It was her charming, clever rapport that had [my students] excited to write from the moment she walked into my classroom.”

— Josh Goodman, Westside School

“Passionate, creative and innovative”

“Robin Russell is one of the main reasons that I became a classroom teacher. I was lucky enough to be her teaching assistant my first year working in schools. I struck the jackpot. More than any other teacher I've met, Robin's passion, creativity, innovation, enthusiasm, and deep care and respect for her students just radiates from her entire being. As soon as you walk into her classroom and see the way she interacts with her students it is clear that you are witnessing a person whose calling is to teach. During my year as her assistant I soaked up countless details about teaching. What influenced me the most was how to discipline students from a place of respect and empathy, that no idea is ever too big or too controversial to try and tackle with students, and that one must stay true to oneself to achieve greatness in the classroom. Robin continued to influence my teaching as I became a lead teacher in her department and collaborated with her as a peer. She brought thoughtfulness and a depth of knowledge to each and every challenge we faced, whether it was a quick question between classes or a lengthy collaborative project among colleagues. I strived to emulate this attitude as I progressed as a teacher. Finally, Robin is the definition of a life-long learner; she is always thrilled to learn a new technique or an innovative strategy and doesn't hesitate to try them on in realistic and integrative ways in her classroom. Robin is the epitome of great teaching - an incredible inspiration to me, and to all who have the chance to learn with her.”

— Sandra Washington, The Perkins School

“Boundless creativity in lesson design”

“Robin's classroom is filled with laughter - and children who are laughing are happy and relaxed enough to learn more. In addition to bringing social studies and literature to life through her boundless creativity in lesson design and execution (her Living History Museum is like nothing you've ever seen!) and her genuine enthusiasm for her subjects, Robin models risk taking and reaching for your dreams.”

— Laura Simeon, MA, MLIS, Open Window School

“Rigorous, thrilling”

“Robin Russell packs four rare gifts into one dynamic package:  she is simultaneously a mindful pedagogue, using best practices to optimize student development; wonderfully creative; energetically rigorous; and so cool that middle schoolers both respect and love her.  I have every confidence that she will bring you the same thrilling experience that students have enjoyed, and leave your staff ready to take their own teaching to new heights of joyful engagement.”

— Elizabeth Saul, M.A. (Executive Function Coach) Situation Solutions

“A bright light”

“I wanted to let you know that you have been such a bright light for my child since he learned that he would have you again as a teacher. It was literally the news that you'd be his teacher that had him beg us to keep him at OWS.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such an inspiration that my dyslexic/disgraphic son is excited about Humanities!  You are such a treasure.”

— Caroline

“Thoughtful, demanding”

“Your name comes up ALL the time as the high bar example of a teacher (e.g., ‘she's good but not as thoughtful, demanding, and inspiring as Ms. Russell’).

“Emboldened and alive”

“I wish every kid could have her as a teacher. She has an endless amount of creativity. Robin is emboldened and alive.”

— Dr. Jill Gross


“You are the most stimulating, encouraging and inspiring teacher by far. Mina’s skills and work ethic improved so much since 5th grade thanks to you!”

“Complete acceptance and love”

“We can't thank you enough for instilling the love of writing and fostering the passion of reading in our child.  Even more importantly, creating an atmosphere of complete acceptance and love that allows all the children to take risks, explore and aim for excellence.”

— Loi Lumala


Summer Island - A Prince in Peril [by Robin Russell] is a riveting tale for young readers.”

— Midwest Book Review

“Creative ways to build self-confidence”

“Thank you so much for your creative ways to build self confidence and self esteem in the kids. Sarah loves you and your class so much that, as I told you before, as soon as I see her, she bombards me with what happen in Ms. Russell’s class first. We also have the privilege of listening  to the stories you say in the class. First, it starts in the car always like this: ‘Mom, guess what? Today, Ms. Russell told us a story! Please can I tell you the story first and after I'll tell you about my day?’” 

“Taps into children’s creativity”

“How can we ever thank you for the incredible learning experience you provided for Keating with NaNoWriMo?You have this special way of tapping into creativity and depth that is there in a child to be nurtured, touched, brought forth, if one can reach it.”

“An incredible reputation”

“My child is at OWS because of you. My friend said we must send him so he could experience you as a teacher.  I hope you know that you have an incredible reputation. He also mentioned how you gave him a great idea to consider for the future, which is to not say anything behind anyone's back that he wouldn't feel comfortable to say to their face. He thought that was brilliant. I'm sure we've discussed this sort of thing before at home, but the delivery and timing was perfect for him.”

“The very best learning activities and environment”

“We are so thankful that you are teaching Alexander this year and wanted you to know how much we appreciate your commitment to providing the very best learning activities and environment for our children, for your willingness to support Alexander and all of your students as they strive to be better prepared for life. Every day, it is a joy to see how much Alexander is learning and maturing as a person. You are an amazing person and teacher and we wanted to say thank you!”

“Contributes to the richness of the community”

“Thanks also for welcoming Andy to the school. It is amazing when a student feels so welcomed by a teacher. . . and they aren't even in that person's classroom. It contributes greatly to the richness of the community.”


“Your leadership in the classroom is so amazing in shaping the way these kids think about the world we live in and how we impact each other!”

— Iris Mondri-Kish

“Kids feel acknowledged”

“Logan mentioned yesterday how IMPRESSED he is that Ms. Russell calls everyone by their name AND gets it right the first time.  I thought you might like to know that this effort to have kids feel acknowledged is being noticed.  Context:  I had called someone the wrong name and he went into a diatribe about teachers who get kids' names wrong.  But then he thought about Ms. Russell who gets it right and it's appreciated!  So there it is.”

“Lessons that make an impression”

“I just had to tell you about this most amazing development. Quinn and his sister were squabbling about a variety of things yesterday. Then after dinner, he sat her down on the couch and explained to her the principle of Seek to Understand Before being Understood (if I've got that right.) They then proceeded to have the most calm and receptive conversation about what each one does that bugs each other and how they might do things differently. It was such a display of maturity and wisdom that I think would be beyond most adults.  I was standing in the kitchen listening and about to fall over. I love this lesson! So thank you, thank you! I was beyond delighted. I think the whole family should take a look at this book. In any case, I wanted you to know that your lesson has made an impression.”

“Brings out the best in her students”

“Kaley is at Maker Startup Weekend this weekend with her dad. It's for adults. Serious adults who want to start serious businesses. There are 90 people there, 2 of whom are high-schoolers, plus Kaley. At the beginning of the event, everybody who had an idea for a startup business project got up in front of the whole crowd and had 60 seconds to explain it and try to rally support for it. Only 10 ideas were chosen to be worked on, one of which was the one Kaley presented. In 60 seconds she recruited an entire team of adults to help her build it (a fully automated mini-greenhouse to grow herbs in your kitchen). When I asked her if she was scared getting up in front of that many people, she said: ‘No, it was easy. Ms. Russell made us do stuff like that all the time. 60 seconds is nothing.’ When I told her I thought she was awesome, she said, ‘Well, then you can thank Ms. Russell for that.’ So, I thought I would. THANK YOU! You bring out the best in her and we’ve been delighted in her growth & development this year – in overall maturity, in academic organization, in writing, in elocution, and in critical thinking.” 

“Inspired kids to think critically and express themselves eloquently”

“I hope you know how much we appreciate you as the 5th grade humanities teacher.  You have really inspired these kids to think critically and express themselves eloquently, and the skills they have learned in your classes (organizational skills, study skills, social compassion, presentation and elocution, research and writing, critical thinking) will be the foundation for their success throughout the rest of their education and beyond.  It is truly amazing what you do with them in 9 short months.”

— Amy

“You live what you teach”

“In the last few weeks, I have been talking a lot about you.  I was just thinking that I should tell you directly. Ross was so incredibly lucky to have had you for his teacher in the last year. I will say that there were certainly some moments when he complained about the amount of homework that you gave or how many capitals he had to memorize, but he respected you and wanted to do well for you. You pushed him just the right amount, and he learned concepts from you that were either introduced to me at high school or college level or that I never learned. I love how much you truly know and understand Ross, how you appreciated his unique qualities and strengths, and how you were able to find invaluable nuggets on what he can continue to do to take his performance to the next level. The time, thought, and detail that you put into your report card comments show that you live what you teach. Ross will reap the benefits of your teaching this year through high school, college, and beyond, I am sure.”

“Encouraging and inspirational”

“You really helped Mina shine, with her loud, clear voice, her elegant dance moves, and her Southern accent. Steve and I feel that she has grown and matured so much this year with your encouragement and inspiration. We just could not thank you enough.”

“Helped my son improve and grow both socially and academically”

“I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate everything you’ve done to help my son improve and grow both socially and academically this past year. I appreciate your caring and listening to our concerns. The impact of your teaching is tremendous. It will help them for the rest of their lives. I truly can’t thank you enough and will be forever grateful.”

“Creative and playful”

“I just have to say how happy I am that Christopher got such a creative and playful teacher. You rock!”

“From tears to joy”

“While Ari has always had a love of reading, this year you have really brought to him a love of writing. He has finally found joy in a process that used to bring him to tears! Thank you.”

“Uses punctuation as a meta-lesson for self-acceptance”

“Thank you for your time and insights today – it is great to get a glimpse into his world and to get a sense of his interactions. Thank you also for your willingness to use punctuation as a meta-lesson for self acceptance and persistence. On a personal note, his poem about where he is from is one of those things I will cherish for the rest of my life. Thank you for creating a project that allows us to see how he sees his world.”

“Interesting and exciting”

“I'd like to thank you for giving us the fantastic writer's workshop this past Tuesday evening. I wish I had an English teacher like you whose teaching is so interesting and exciting!”

— Diana

“Incredibly supportive”

”Robin Russell was incredibly supportive. She knew just the right things to say, when to listen and when to talk. Her tone of voice and word choice were excellent. We feel so incredibly lucky to have her as his teacher.”


“Connor spent a fair amount of time writing a haiku for you. He thinks the world of you and rated you as “his best teacher yet.”

“Sparkling, warm, passionate”

“Your sparkle and warmth and passion for teaching is just wonderful, and you made writing FUN for Bryce and so many others.”

“A rare level of passion and energy”

“I just have to say, I think you are a remarkable teacher. Zander was very lucky to have to have spent the year in your classroom. He has spoken many times about how he enjoys your style of teaching. And honest to god, that kid talks about the subject matter at random times because you’ve made him interested in it. I can tell you brought a level of passion and energy to the class that many kids never get to experience.”

“Gifted, patient”

“You are an exceptionally gifted person and educator and thanks for the time and patience you invest in all of our kids!  It was such a great positive experience.  Those smiles were so genuine!  Thank you!”

Wonderful…a 4 and above”

“By the way, I told Brandon how much I enjoyed the curriculum night and he said ‘I know! Ms. Russell is wonderful. She is 4 and above!’”  

“Wonderful inspiration”

“Thank you for a great year for Laura. We feel so fortunate that she had you as a home room teacher this year. You are a wonderful inspiration and teacher.”

“Hero in the Classroom”


Click here to see the video.

“Educator, mentor, cheerleader”

“I just read your article and I wanted to let you know HOW AMAZING you are! The students are truly fortunate to have you as their educator/mentor/cheerleader. I wish I had a teacher like you when I was in school! You are inspiring and it shows through your students and their work!”

— Mimi John, former Open Window School colleague

“Preparing students for endless possibilities”

“On the drive home from school today, Emerson filled me in on the progress her team is making on their China project.  She was glowing with excitement and pride as she described how her team came together and got off to a great start. I'm no expert on education best practices, but I do live and work in the real world and I have no doubt that the opportunities and education Emerson is getting in your class are preparing her for endless possibilities as she matures into a young adult. Thanks for doing what you do and pushing our kids to be the best they can be.“

“Beacon of excellence”

“You remain a beacon of excellence & have left an indelible mark on our Max!”

“Authentic, enriching”

“Thank you again for providing such fabulous experiences for our kids. I wish I had a teacher like you! These kids will forever remember these amazing authentic experiences and be enriched so much by you. Thanks for your great preparation!”

“Thought provoking, colorful and rewarding”

“We would like to a moment to thank Robin for all you do to make this class genuinely thought provoking, colorful and rewarding. Jack is definitely interested in what you are teaching and appropriately challenged in this course.  You make language arts, social studies and history come alive.  You have real life issues incorporated into 7th grade Humanities, and we find he has a new sense of compassion and awareness in the world around him. He has our whole family thinking about choices we make when buying groceries, shopping for clothes, using water and more. In particular, he’s having a blast doing creative writing.  It is meaningful to work on a long, colorful story and have it thoughtfully critiqued by a writer he respects. Also, he loved having the opportunity to write a script for a TV show and felt honored to be selected to do this.  You build his confidence and help him along the way. You actually have him thinking about how me might like to involve some sort of creative writing into his career choice as an adult.


“You are the sole reason that my child wanted to be in this school. It's an inspiration and honor as a parent and as an educator to know such a dedicated person like yourself.”

— Mona

“Invested in her relationship with her student”

“Ms. Russell brought a tear to my eye.  She had called on a shy boy to share three things with us during our tour.  He did a fine job, but he was visibly flushed and a little uncomfortable doing it at first. Later she divulged that she did it because she knew that it would give him a boost of confidence on a day when she felt he needed it (she didn’t say that exactly, but that was the gist).  At your cue, she then talked about the Advisory Groups and how a teacher is placed with a small group of students throughout the year and explained that it is a place where students can be comfortable getting vulnerable as they develop their life skills within the school setting (I hope I summarized that correctly).  This touched a chord with us. This is the first we had heard of a small support group in a K-8 setting, and it is something we see all the time in leadership trainings – the ability to create a space where people feel comfortable and can become intimate (and grow!) is a skill in itself that is best learned first through modeling.  So much of life is your relationships with others and it was nice to see her so invested in her relationship with her student. The description revealed to the tour group just how invested the teachers and staff are in supporting their students.”

— parent touring Open Window School

“Warm, kind, genuine”

“We wanted to check-in with you and tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time yesterday to talk with Alexander. We wanted you to know how much we appreciate your warmth and kindness and genuine caring attitude.”


“I have to share something with you. In one of Henry’s Overlake essays, he wrote about you, and he made up a word to describe you. He said you are Story-telling-icious! Thank you for helping him learn to appreciate writing.”

“Lucky to have been in your orbit”

“I really wanted to let you know what an incredible and inspirational teacher you are. I had just a few teachers in my youth who inspired me and you made me think of them. I know you inspired Nick a great deal. Please know that your hard work is neither unnoticed nor unappreciated.  We are grateful for all you pour into the kids. Nick was lucky to have been in your orbit.”

“Passionate, sharing, differentiating, excellent”

“You share your PASSION with the students and instill in them writing is fun and powerful, anything but a chore. Differentiating - you find the approach which works best for a specific child. You genuinely care about EACH student, instead of going through the motion. The two things you did sound simple, but when truly carried out, they are powerful. To me, greatness is simply things done right and sometimes one just needs to go back to the basics. What you do is entirely in line with my understanding of excellence. Thank you. We are lucky to have you teach him. You confirmed my thinking on the qualification of teachers.”

“Humorous and enthusiastic”

“David loves to be in your classes! He frequently mentions how exciting and interesting the classes are. He truly enjoys your humor and enthusiastic teaching style!”

“Brings out the best in students”

“We will not forget you, ever and your ability to bring out the best from your students. You have been a great teacher and because of you they are writing better and have great interest in reading.”


“Wow!!! Your classroom was the perfect picture of fifth grade and the presentation persuasively performed by all your prodigies. I was delighted that I brought our visitors to your room today!”

“Meaningful, motivating”

“Thank you, Robin, for all the meaningful homework you give out in humanities class. David feels he can stretch himself and go beyond. I noticed that he is often gently correct my word usage. This makes me smile. He is highly motivated and eager to venture out! I feel deeply blessed and lucky to have you this year!”

“Constantly teaching life lessons”

“I really enjoyed my visit to your classroom yesterday. So much, in fact, that I forgot about a meeting and stayed longer than I intended! I knew you have this fun rapport with your students but I also saw how within your dialogue you are constantly teaching life lessons. It made me smile and was inspiring all at the same time! Lucky students!”

“A prize”

“We won the lottery to have you this year.”

“Timely words of wisdom”

“I very much enjoyed your commencement talk. I found myself quoting you the following day to a girlfriend who is struggling with starting a new business. So important not to be afraid to try new things....even if they don't always work out! So, you're words of wisdom are timely for grown ups, too.”

— Sally Caplan, Gartner Global Enterprises


“Robin doesn’t take anything too seriously— especially herself. She’s the most unpretentious woman I’ve ever met.”

— Robin Russell

“Celebrity status”

“You have celebrity status in his mind. It’s true he is a hard worker but I have not seen him work harder for anyone than you (except for Hanshi at his karate dojo who holds a stick when he teaches and isn't reluctant to use it).“

— Elizabeth

“A true teacher”

“The influence you and your teaching had on Amy is unforgettable! You are a true teacher.....one that inspires others to learn and to love learning while they do it!”

— Lisa Thomassen

“It became clear why my girls love your class so much.”

“I really enjoyed your presentation last evening and it became clear to me why my girls love your class so much.  They met me at the door last night (I was hoping they would be asleep) and asked me if I had the chance to meet you.  I told them all about it and they fell asleep with smiles on their faces.”

— Suzanne Wen


“Thank you for your insight into the coming weeks – we agreed on all points. I like your idea of creating comforting thoughts – we will try that for tomorrow.”

Everything she does starts with inclusivity.

“More impressive than her creativity and humor, though, is her kindness and humanity. Robin is clearly devoted to all of her students and she always makes herself available to anyone- child or adult- who has a need to talk about issues, personal and social. Social justice is not just a timely topic for her; it is her second nature and everything she does starts with inclusivity.”

— Vicky Mann