Summer Programs

Wednesday Writers

Fall: Areas of focus are Ideas, Voice and Word Choice with the goal of cultivating descriptive language, specifically in employing similes, metaphors and other literary devices.

  • Wednesdays at 5pm PST (grades 3 - 5) (FULL) and 6pm (grades 5 - 9)

  • October 4 - December 13, except week of Thanksgiving

Winter: Areas of focus are character building, dialogue and descriptive language with the goal of engaging the reader and painting a picture in their mind.

  • Wednesdays at 5pm PST (grades 3 - 5), 6pm and 7pm (grades 6 - 8)

  • January 3 - March 13, except 2/21


Entering Third & Fourth Grade

Passionate Writers

Students engage in activities that hone their skills and foster their love of writing as storytelling. Areas of focus are Sentence Fluency and Word Choice with the goal of cultivating descriptive language, specifically in employing similes, metaphors and other literary devices. Optional homework activities are provided. Limit 8.

July 10 – 14 * 5pm * Online * $250

July 17 - 21 * 2pm * Online * $250


Middle School

Passionate Writers

Students engage in activities that hone their skills and foster their love of writing as storytelling. Areas of focus are Sentence Fluency and Word Choice with the goal of cultivating descriptive language, specifically in employing similes, metaphors and other literary devices. Optional homework activities are provided. Limit 10.

  • June 19 - 23 * 7pm * Online * $250

  • July 10 – 14 * 7pm * Online * $250

Writing Clinic

Students participate in guided writing exercises with a focus on syntax, vocabulary and grammar. Both creative and essay prompts are presented. Individualized feedback is provided in real time. Limit 10.

  • June 19 - 23 * 6pm * Online * $250

  • July 17 – 21 * 6pm * Online * $250

  • August 21 – 25 * 1pm * Online * $250


Personal Narrative Essay Writing

Personal narratives enhance reflection and writing skills. Teachers frequently assign personal narratives at the beginning of the school year to learn more about their students.

  • June 19 - 23 * 5pm * Online * $250

Expository Essay Writing

Expository essays are frequently used in classroom assessments and application exams. They require the student to formulate and expound an idea, and then substantiate it with cogent evidence. Limit 10.

  • August 21 – 25 * 2pm * Online * $250


Reading Comprehension

Engage in discussion and activities that strengthen your critical thinking and reading comprehension skills. Through short stories, articles, writing exercises and discussion, we'll explore how authors convey deeper meaning for greater understanding. Preparatory work and homework provided. Limit 10.

·      July 17 – 21 * 5pm * Online * $250 * Fiction

·      August 21 – 25 * 5pm * Online * $250 * Non-Fiction


Vocabulary Institute

Aristophanes said, "By words, the mind is excited and the spirit elated." Join this deep-dive into the world of words for the purpose of expanding your written and verbal vernacular. Preparatory work and homework provided. Limit 10.

·      July 10 – 14 * 6pm * Online * $250 * Creative Writing

·      August 21 – 25 * 6pm * Online * $250 * Academic & Oratory


Public Speaking Salons

Learn to express your ideas concisely and confidently in front of an audience. For informative speeches, the objective is that the audience knows more and/or cares more about a particular topic. For persuasive speeches, we’ll review the rhetoric techniques of logos, pathos and ethos.  Limit 10.

·      July 17 – 21 * 7pm * Online * $250 * Informative Speeches

·      August 21 – 25 * 7pm * Online * $250 * Persuasive Speeches


Spring Programs


Creative Writing Class (Grades 3/4)

Fridays @ 4:30pm (PST)

April 7 - June 9 * Grades 3-4 * Limit 8 * Online * 10 Sessions/$500


Writing Clinics

Students participate in guided writing exercises with a focus on syntax, vocabulary and grammar. Individualized feedback is provided in real time. Both creative and essay prompts are presented. Individualized feedback is provided in real time.

Fridays at 6pm (PST)

April 7 - June 9 * Grades 4-8 * Limit 8 * Online * 10 Sessions/$500

Tuesdays at 6pm (PST)

March 28 - June 6 (Except week of April 10) * Grades 4-8 * Limit 8 * Online * 10 Sessions/$500

Wednesday Writers

Spring Quarter

In the spring, the focus will be on Sentence Fluency and crafting language. We’ll look at how to write more complex sentences, including using opening phrases and appositives.

Wednesdays * March 29 - June 7 (except week of April 10)

5:00 pm (FULL), 6:00pm or 7:00pm (FULL) * 10 sessions/$500

For each quarter, there will be time for individualized feedback, with three Writers Showcases. No work is required outside of class, and all sessions are online, via Zoom. Limit 8.

Public Speaking Salons

Being comfortable in front of an audience and able to express your ideas concisely are valuable skills to possess. Being able to capture the undivided attention of your audience and keep them in the palm of your hand as you rally them to action are skills that can transform both the audience and the speaker.

In the legacy of the salons hosted during the Enlightenment, these Public Speaking Salons foster the oratory abilities of students ages 9 to 14. Learn how to project your voice, gesticulate effectively, end your sentences definitively and engage your audience. All sessions are online, via Zoom. For more information on the benefits of public speaking skills, check out this Forbes article. To register, complete the form below. Limit 8. Online.

Spring Quarter

Tuesdays * March 28 - June 6 (except week of April 10)

7:00pm (FULL) * 10 sessions/$500

Program Registration